The Story of Connor and Kate - I was diagnosed with PTSD.....

Story - Photo's - Video - Submission by Kate D.

I got Connor (1 year old cat) over a month ago now. When I first got him he was absolutely horrible. He didn't like girls at all. In fact, he would attack me and my roommate meaning hiss, growl, swat at us just about everything. He loved my laundry basket in my closet so that's where he was the first week and a half besides at night he would come out to eat and do his business and straight back to the closet he went. Pet smart ended up taking him back to the shelter because the workers couldn't get him out of his kennel when someone wanted to look at him. Luckily, I got to see him at the shelter and hold him once when he first got there. I fought and argued to take this cat home with me. My mind was set on him.

The reason I am saying this is because I was diagnosed with PTSD and I knew a therapy cat would help. At the the time I was scared of keeping Connor because I had no clue on if he was just going to stay this mean or what. Well, it's been a little over a month and he will NOT leave my side or my feet. He sits on our door mat waiting for me to come home. Connor sits by the bathroom door waiting for me to get out of the shower. I've ended up kicking him to the floor and almost stepping on him because he is glued to my feet whenever I walk. He follows me around the apartment waiting for me to go to bed. Let's just say I can't thank God enough for showing me Connor.

Since I've had him like this I myself have become a whole new person. I have matured and took more responsibilities and I am working harder. I don't have as many 'break downs' feeling empty and alone and just not seeing the light or positive in life. Every day I come home loving life and where I am to this day. So my question is..


Did Connor save me or did I save Connor?

Here is a little video of Connor understanding the word kiss.