Declaw and Neuter

Just recently in the Pet Pals household we grew our family by four legs and a meow. There was no question on if we should get him neutered, the question was "how much will it cost?" 

Okay one second, I have to introduced Nuba real quick! Nuba (pronounced new-ba) was warmly welcomed by the humans and the other pet kids Traci and Rinzen (dogs) and Candace the hamster. Nuba is 1/2 Bengal and 1/2 Ragdoll. Asian Leopard cat was crossed-bred and created the Bengal domestic house cat. Nuba is a Tibetan name origin of some Leopard Cats. His name represents inner strength and awareness, possesses a good mind. Tends to follow a rather orderly and systemic approach to endeavors. Inner desire to serve others. Nuba is very fitting for this kitten!!! Meet Nuba!

Okay back to the questions.....There was no question on if we should get him neutered, the question was "how much will it cost?" The other questions we had was, "should we have his front two paws claws surgically removed" and if so "how much does that cost." Spent a long while calling and speaking with local and surrounding vet clinics. Some vet clinics were very nice, genuinely concerned for the well being of Nuba and gave lots of information over the phone while others seemed like they could not get me off the phone quick enough. No fear, I made certain to get the pricing information needed regardless if they didn't want to talk to me!

One vet clinic went as far as giving me additional options instead of having the claws surgically removed. One option given instead of claw removal is called, Soft Paws. Here is the information I found on the internet about Soft Paws.... 
Soft Paws was "Invented by veterinarian Dr. Toby Wexler, Soft Paws has been on the market since 1990. Each Soft Paws take-home kit contains everything required to apply the nail covers at home. Including easy to follow instructions. Each Soft Paws kit contains 40 nail caps, 2 tubes of adhesive, applicator tips and easy to follow instructions. One kit contains enough for 4 front paw applications. Each application lasts approximately 4-6 weeks therefore each kit lasts approximately 4-6 months."The cost vary, however on this particular website is $18.95. 

Soft Paws comes in a variety of colors from clear to colorful! 

So the question still stands, when he is old enough to be neuter and/or declawed how much will this cost. Here is the information I personally collected today (5/20/2013)

**All City Pet Care East 605-215-0731
$111 - Neuter
$211 – Declaw and Neuter

**Heather Ridge 605-371-1600
$83.41 – Neuter
$268.19 – Declaw and Neuter

**Sioux Nation 333-4350
$120.00 – Neuter
$195.00 – Declaw and Neuter

**Best Care Pet Hospital 605-334-2412
$114.50 - Neuter
$185.00 Declaw and Neuter

**Tea Veterinary Clinic 605-368-2088
$189.50 – Neuter
$250.00 – Declaw and Neuter

**Animal Medical Clinic
$100 – Neuter (scalpel)
$185.00 – Declaw and Neuter

**Prairie Creek Pet Hospital 605-496-9287
$59.00 – Neuter (scalpel)
$118.00 – Declaw and Neuter

**Lukens Animal Clinic 605-361-1955
$67.39 – Neuter (scalpel)
$119.04 – Declaw and Neuter

**Hartford Vet Clinic 605-528-3344
$40.00 – Neuter (scalpel)
$100.00 – Declaw and Neuter

**Dell Rapids Veterinary Clinic 605-428-5636
$102.00 - Neuter
$250.00 – Declaw and Neuter

**Horizon Pet Care 605-582-8445
$75.00 – Neuter (scalpel)
$115.00 – Neuter (laser)
$215.00 – Declaw and Neuter

Where did you get your pet neutered, spayed, and/or declawed. Are you for or against declawing?